Overview of the School of Ministry
Descripción de la Escuela del Ministerio
The South Texas Nazarene School of Ministry offers the Course of Study Toward Ordination - a program of professional study for who sense a call to ministry and desire to serve in ministry through the Church of the Nazarene. Ordination is the official recognition by the Church that someone has heard and responded to the call of God to equip the Church to serve the world and become faithful witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Course of Study through the School of Ministry is geared for practical ministry for those engaged currently in volunteer ministry or seeking to work professionally in ministry. Laypersons in leadership are encouraged to take courses to understand better how to serve through the Church in the everyday world.
The courses are practical and intensive. There are some academic requirements such as reading books and research writing with citations. The academic rigor is not the same as it would be in a university or seminary setting. The courses are intended to introduce students to the subject matter. Students may choose to continue their studies in a university or seminary as well as continue on a pathway of lifelong learning.
Instructors have been ordained for ministry in the Church. Many of them have also completed graduate studies in related fields in which they are teaching. They are not only teachers but guides and mentors into ministry.
The Leadership Team for the School of Ministry determines course schedules and cost structures, approves and selects in-person teaching locations, recruits and trains instructors, and reports to the Board of Ministry.
The School is administrated under the auspices of the Board of Ministry for the South Texas District Church of the Nazarene with is part of the United States/Canada Region. The curriculum is approved by a Regional Course of Study Committee for meeting the educational requirements toward ordination.
Completing the Course of Study through the School of Ministry does not guarantee students will be granted ordination or given placement in a ministry role.
La Escuela del Ministerio Nazareno del Sur de Texas ofrece el Curso de estudio hacia la ordenación, un programa de estudio profesional para quienes sienten un llamado al ministerio y desean servir en el ministerio a través de la Iglesia del Nazareno. La ordenación es el reconocimiento oficial por parte de la Iglesia de que alguien ha escuchado y respondido al llamado de Dios de equipar a la Iglesia para servir al mundo y convertirse en testigos fieles de las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo.
Los cursos a través de la Escuela del Ministerio está orientado al ministerio práctico para aquellos que actualmente participan en el ministerio voluntario o que buscan trabajar profesionalmente en el ministerio. Se anima a los laicos en liderazgo a tomar cursos para comprender mejor cómo servir a través de la Iglesia en el mundo cotidiano.
Los cursos son prácticos e intensivos. Existen algunos requisitos académicos, como leer libros y escribir investigaciones con citas. El rigor académico no es el mismo que lo sería en la universidad o seminario. Los cursos están destinados a introducir a los estudiantes en la materia. Los estudiantes pueden optar por continuar sus estudios en una universidad o seminario, así como continuar un camino de aprendizaje permanente.
Los instructores son ordenados para el ministerio en la Iglesia. Muchos de ellos también han completado estudios de posgrado en campos relacionados en los que enseñan. No son sólo maestros sino guías y mentores en el ministerio.
El Equipo de Liderazgo de la Escuela del Ministerio determina los horarios de los cursos y las estructuras de costos, aprueba y selecciona lugares de enseñanza presencial o por video y capacita a instructores e informa a la Junta del Ministerio.
La escuela es administrada bajo los auspicios de la Junta del Ministerio de la Iglesia del Nazareno del Distrito Sur de Texas y es parte de la Región de Estados Unidos y Canadá. El plan de estudios es aprobado por un Comité Regional de Curso de Estudio para cumplir con los requisitos educativos para la ordenación.
Completar el curso de estudio a través de la Escuela del Ministerio no garantiza que a los estudiantes se les conceda la ordenación o la colocación en una función ministerial.
The Course of Study through the School of Ministry is geared for practical ministry for those engaged currently in volunteer ministry or seeking to work professionally in ministry. Laypersons in leadership are encouraged to take courses to understand better how to serve through the Church in the everyday world.
The courses are practical and intensive. There are some academic requirements such as reading books and research writing with citations. The academic rigor is not the same as it would be in a university or seminary setting. The courses are intended to introduce students to the subject matter. Students may choose to continue their studies in a university or seminary as well as continue on a pathway of lifelong learning.
Instructors have been ordained for ministry in the Church. Many of them have also completed graduate studies in related fields in which they are teaching. They are not only teachers but guides and mentors into ministry.
The Leadership Team for the School of Ministry determines course schedules and cost structures, approves and selects in-person teaching locations, recruits and trains instructors, and reports to the Board of Ministry.
The School is administrated under the auspices of the Board of Ministry for the South Texas District Church of the Nazarene with is part of the United States/Canada Region. The curriculum is approved by a Regional Course of Study Committee for meeting the educational requirements toward ordination.
Completing the Course of Study through the School of Ministry does not guarantee students will be granted ordination or given placement in a ministry role.
La Escuela del Ministerio Nazareno del Sur de Texas ofrece el Curso de estudio hacia la ordenación, un programa de estudio profesional para quienes sienten un llamado al ministerio y desean servir en el ministerio a través de la Iglesia del Nazareno. La ordenación es el reconocimiento oficial por parte de la Iglesia de que alguien ha escuchado y respondido al llamado de Dios de equipar a la Iglesia para servir al mundo y convertirse en testigos fieles de las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo.
Los cursos a través de la Escuela del Ministerio está orientado al ministerio práctico para aquellos que actualmente participan en el ministerio voluntario o que buscan trabajar profesionalmente en el ministerio. Se anima a los laicos en liderazgo a tomar cursos para comprender mejor cómo servir a través de la Iglesia en el mundo cotidiano.
Los cursos son prácticos e intensivos. Existen algunos requisitos académicos, como leer libros y escribir investigaciones con citas. El rigor académico no es el mismo que lo sería en la universidad o seminario. Los cursos están destinados a introducir a los estudiantes en la materia. Los estudiantes pueden optar por continuar sus estudios en una universidad o seminario, así como continuar un camino de aprendizaje permanente.
Los instructores son ordenados para el ministerio en la Iglesia. Muchos de ellos también han completado estudios de posgrado en campos relacionados en los que enseñan. No son sólo maestros sino guías y mentores en el ministerio.
El Equipo de Liderazgo de la Escuela del Ministerio determina los horarios de los cursos y las estructuras de costos, aprueba y selecciona lugares de enseñanza presencial o por video y capacita a instructores e informa a la Junta del Ministerio.
La escuela es administrada bajo los auspicios de la Junta del Ministerio de la Iglesia del Nazareno del Distrito Sur de Texas y es parte de la Región de Estados Unidos y Canadá. El plan de estudios es aprobado por un Comité Regional de Curso de Estudio para cumplir con los requisitos educativos para la ordenación.
Completar el curso de estudio a través de la Escuela del Ministerio no garantiza que a los estudiantes se les conceda la ordenación o la colocación en una función ministerial.
Cost for Students
Costo para los estudiantes
- The cost is $100 per student per course.
- Payable one week prior to the course.
- Once the course starts, the $100 is non-refundable.
- If there is a married couple taking the same course, each pay half price (2 for 1).
- Some students will require financial assistance. They should first seek help from their local church. Later, they may ask the Leadership Team to be approved for scholarship funds. More info here: www.weebly.com/editor/main.php#/
- If a student has an Incomplete in a previous, no registrations will be allowed until the class is either a Pass or Fail grade.
- El costo es de $100 por estudiante por curso.
- Estudiantes deben pagar una semana antes del curso.
- Una vez iniciado el curso, los $100 no son reembolsables.
- Si hay un matrimonio tomando el mismo curso, los dos pagan la mitad del precio (2 por 1).
- Algunos estudiantes necesitarán asistencia financiera. Primero deberían buscar ayuda de su iglesia local. Posteriormente, podrán solicitar al Equipo de Liderazgo que les apruebe los fondos para becas. Mayor info aquí: www.weebly.com/editor/main.php#/
- Si un estudiante tiene un Incompleto en una clase anterior, no se permitirán inscripciones hasta que la clase tenga una calificación de Aprobado o Reprobado.
Location of Courses
Ubicación de los cursos
Courses will be available by Zoom. You will receive an email with the an invitation to the Google Classroom page for the course. There will be a Zoom link on the Stream page.
Los cursos estarán disponibles por Zoom. Recibirá un correo electrónico con una invitación a la página de Google Classroom para el curso. Habrá un enlace de Zoom en la página de transmisión.
Los cursos estarán disponibles por Zoom. Recibirá un correo electrónico con una invitación a la página de Google Classroom para el curso. Habrá un enlace de Zoom en la página de transmisión.
Arising from the Wesleyan-Holiness Tradition
Nazarene theological education and preparation for ministry has a rich tradition following in the footsteps of John Wesley, the enthusiastic expression of the 19th Century Holiness movement, and ongoing commitments to compassionate engagement, global outreach, men and women in ordained ministry leadership, and provision for sound and practical education for its clergy and laity for ministry in a complex world. Expressions of these commitments are found in the examples of John Wesley, Phineas Bresee, and Mary Lee Cagle.
John WesleyAnglican cleric and founder of the Methodist movement. His 65 year ministry is best known for preaching scriptural notion of holiness in heart and life of the Christian believer. His theology was firmly based in sacramental practice and social service especially to the poor. One of his last letters was written to William Wilberforce encouraging him in his fight to abolish slavery in English territories. Wesley once asked permission to preach in his father's old church in Epworth, England, and was denied. So Wesley climbed on his father's gravestone and preached to the gathered crowd.
"I am well assured that I did far more good to my Lincolnshire parishoners preaching three days on my father's tomb than I did by preaching three years in his pulpit." |
Phineas BreseeFounder of the Church of the Nazarene. Left thriving Methodist congregation in Los Angeles to continue gathering with those of many denominations to serve the poor and marginalized in simple and plain church called The Glory Barn, later known as the Church of the Nazarene. This church united with others from across the country to become the denomination of the same name.
"The first service of a Holy-Ghost baptized church is to the poor; that is ministry is to those who are lowest down; that its gifts are for those who need them the most. As the Spirit was upon Jesus to preach the gospel to the poor, so His Spirit is upon His servants for the same purpose." |
Mary Lee Cagle. Early Nazarene evangelist and church planter. A fiery holiness preacher, Cagle was instrumental in planting the first Nazarene churches in the state of Texas. She made a home in Buffalo Gap near Abliene, where she also married a cowhand named Henry Cagle who was converted under her ministry. She is pictured (center) with organist Trena Platt and an unidentified woman at a tent revival meeting in the late 1800s/early 1900s. She was a central figure in preaching scriptural holiness in the American South and Southwest. She was 90 years old when she preached her last sermon.
Other Avenues for Pursuing the Course of Study
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Southern Nazarene University
Nazarene Bible College
Transfer Credit
Potential students may submit the transcripts from previous educational institutions to the School of Ministry registrar to be evaluated for transfer into the program. Contact the registrar, here.